A wish list sharing platform where you can get what you actually want!

Have you ever created a group text or email to send a birthday or Christmas list to friends and family? Do others do the same? Do those turn into dozens of different threads so people can tell others what they are getting without ruining the surprise?

GiftSplit helps you manage and share wish lists, giving the right information to the right people.


  • Set up your list in whatever order you want to ensure you get what you actually want
  • Send your wish list to up to 100 people
  • People you share the list with can claim gifts to get, so you won’t get the same thing twice!
  • As the creator of a list, you can add, remove, and re-order items, but not see which ones people are getting to preserve the surprise!
  • More expensive gifts can be split amongst several people, so don’t be afraid to ask!