Simple, easy-to-use FOSS Minecraft plugins

SimpleMC is an open-source project to provide extremely simple plugins to lower the barrier of entry to hosting your own Minecraft Server.

Our philosophy is that composition of multiple smaller, easy to use plugins reduces complexity and simplifies the management and maintenance of servers. Massive omni-plugins that appeal to wide audiences with huge feature-sets can be painful, brittle, and require a doctorate to configure and manage every time you want to change something.


  • SimpleHealthbars2 - Simple, easy-to-use healthbar plugin with optional player and mob healthbars
  • SimpleReserve - Simple reserve slot plugin for the Bukkit Minecraft API.
  • SimpleNPCs - Simple command-based NPC interactions
  • SimpleAnnounce - Simple, powerful, and easy-to-use automated announcement plugin for the Bukkit Minecraft API.

We also maintain a basic plugin template to drastically simplify creating and releasing plugins written in Kotlin for the Spigot API. It features:

  • Gradle axion-release-plugin for managing semver
    • automatic updating of and main/resources/plugin.yml when a release is made
  • Github Actions to build PRs and automatically create Github releases when a release tag is pushed
  • ktlint Gradle plugin
  • Gradle build generates a shadowed jar which includes kotlin stdlib and a nokt jar without
    • Users with the stdlib already on the classpath can use the smaller jar

Create an issue to let us know if there’s a plugin you’d like to see SimpleMC take on!